Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Thats how long it took me to get home last night. Still trying to break the 17 minute mark but its definately my best time yet. I thought I would be pretty beat last night especially since we had a group of 14 people walk in at 10:02 ( we close at 10:00) we got them sat and fed as quickly as we could but they didn't leave until 11:20. Thats fine with me we will take any business we can get especially since they spent over $325.00. I left the restaurant around 12:30 and once I got on the bike I felt good. In fact as I got on the road I was right behind a semi truck and tried drafting him on my mountain bike but when I got up to around 30 mph my gears wouldnt let me keep up so I lost him but I kept catching him at every light up to Tates Creek. I am going to start to give you my opinion on whats wrong with this world and people in future posts.

1 comment:

BM said...

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